Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why Study Climate and Weather?

Why Study Climate and Weather?
(1) For human survival. At this age of global warming and climate change, human lives are threatened not only by climate hazards and disasters but indirectly by disease spreading, water inavailability/drought, desertification, famine, sea level rise, etc
(2) Agriculture - without good climate, agriculture would be difficult and expensive. Poor agricultural yeields lead to malnutrition and famine.
(3) Weather Forecasts - important not only everyday life but also for disaster prevention, agriculture, energy management, aviation, shipping, tourism, industry, etc
(4) Tourism - climate elements such as sunlight and snow, amongst others, are important attractions for tourists. Bad weather deters tourism. Climate disasters "kills" tourism.
(5) Prediction of Future Weather and Climate - Human society needs to predict what is happening to the climate in future to adapt and make changes so that human life can survive.
(6) Industry - Many industries depend on the weather and climate. Example, small scale industries such as batik, belacan, salted fish, etc depend on good weather. Industries also suffer if there are climate disasters such as floods and droughts.
(7) Research, Development & Education - Climate offers an important field of study
(8) Paleoclimate - Study of past climates gives us a better idea of what happened in the past and how not to repeat disasters, and to better manage them.
(9) Resource management - Climate allows us to understand how natural resources are influenced by weather and climate, and how we can manage them better.
(10) Biodiversity - Climate affects biodiversity of species. We need to understand weather and climate if we are to conserve biodiversity.
(11) Interactions of Spheres - Biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere, phytosphere, zoosphere, antroposphere, etc interacts in the medium of weather and climate. We need to understand these interactions to manage them.


0(@.@)0 said...

As what we had discuss in the first tutorial,i think it's quite appropiate to include the studies of HGF227 in the investigation..Eg. we can know how many days the dead body have been left over according to the weather..(there's a chinese movie-保持通话also shows this evidence)
maybe through this study,we can also invent something that can prevent the death of human when disaster it possible to make a shirt that will expand when contact with plenty of water then it is able to float.maybe it can save those who doesnt know how to me..ha

climate&weather said...

Who is this CSI?